Just kidding. It's only me. My husband says we'll never have any peas because I stand in the garden eating them. He might be right on one level--he's not getting any peas, but I'm doing just fine.
On other fronts, my Mississippi Silver peas, my Jackson Wonder butterbeans, and my Blue Lake snap beans have all germinated. And maybe some of my flowers--can't tell the difference yet between them and the weeds.
Whatever is eating my potatoes has slowed down. I talked to Judy at Doe Run Farm some more and told her I had yet to see a beetle and she offered the alternative suggestion that it might be slugs. eeww! I know I have slugs in my backyard because they sometimes wander onto the screened porch and leave their slime behind. So they may be the true culprits. Everyone has lots of suggestions for these guys including eggshells, salt, beer, and diatomaceous earth. If they don't eat so much, I may just let them have their bit.
The remaining problem is that something is decimating my herbs but just on one end of the garden. Something has chewed away my lavender, thyme, and citronella and taken a few bites of just one of the bell peppers. (I'm sure I broke one of the cardinal rules of companion planting with that arrangement of plants.)
This end of the garden never does well and I can't even imagine what would chew on one end of the garden, skip the peas and the lettuce and then move on to the collards and potatoes. Maybe they just don't care for peas and lettuce. Who knew? Pests have opinions. I may just let nature have it's way.
I do plan to harvest my collards this weekend, buy 2 more cucumber plants at the Co-op, and remove the cucumbers I have planted because they are not thriving. They look sort of mildewed. I started them from seed, but they were not healthy when they went in the ground. This goes back to my failure as a transplanter. sigh. Oh well, I'm a good germinator!
At least you are enjoying your peas. My herbs aren't doing good this year. I usually have them in containers on the front porch so I can get to them when I'm cooking. This year I tried to get fancy and I'm gonna end up buying plants and putting them on the porch. I guess if it ain't broke don't fix it, huh?
I'm doing the eggshell water on my maters and they're doing really good.
Let us know how the collards taste. yummmm
Hi! Come visit me...I left a gift on my blog for you. I hope it brings a smile to your face!
Luck you! You get to eat your own garden peas!
~ Karrita
Hey, thanks for the link to my blog!
Our snow peas have just started producing like wild, and if it weren't for keeping yield data they wouldn't make it five feet from the plants.
The strawberries have not been weighed at all, though, because the five-year-old in the garden likes to harvest any he finds. Whether they're red, pink, or white with a pinkish tinge.
I look forward to following your posts!
We can't stop eating our peas, either!
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