Not good...
So the next step is to figure out what to do that is environmentally friendly. Tennzen in her blog described a homemade insecticidal soap that sounds pretty good. And Mrs. JP gave me a heads up about Jerry Baker's books that take a natural and non-toxic approach to pest control. So I'm off to figure out what to do!
I'm also trying not to write such loooong blog entries...
I have noticed holes on some of the leaves on my potatoes, too. I tried insecticidal soap and it didn't help. (The soap does better on getting rid of aphids, such as were on my peas.) So I went to the Co-Op and got my hands on a bag of kaolin clay. It's natural and not harmful. It's a dust that forms a barrier that chewing bugs just don't like. Anyway, it's working for us.
And your peas look fantastic, by the way! Congrats!
That is one cute and practical gnome. You can't say that for most gnomes. I hope your taters and collards get better.
Hey Mrs. JP--I've fallen in love with my little gnome. Thanks for the good karma for my taters and collards. I tried posting a comment to your blog about your beautiful flowers, but for some reason, it didn't work. I'm wondering if it's cause I'm using Firefox for my browser. I'll try again from another browser!
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